Thursday, July 27, 2006

Blogging from 30,000 feet

I’m blogging from 30,000 feet. By the time you read this, I’ll be back on the ground, but whatever. I had no trouble at the airport this morning, and I was able to upgrade my ticket to first class. I’m a little torqued off, though. There’s a young guy sitting next to me who did not pay to upgrade. I caught a peek at his ticket, and he is supposed to be in 16A.

I was pretty steamed about it at first, but hell, if I was a young kid like that I might try it. I mean, I think about all the times I snuck down to better seats at concerts. And he’s not taking advantage of the freebies (although it is only AirTran, so the freebies are no big whoop).

Well, we are about to land. So, gotta go for now. My next message will be from the Marriott Marquis!


It's now Thursday morning, and this is the first time I've been able to access the internet. I'm over in the mall food court. I'd heard a rumor that there was free wireless here, and it's true! I didn't want to spend 12.95 a day for the internet at the hotel.

Yesterday, I met up with my roomie Sherice at the airport. We grabbed a cab together to the hotel and met up with some divas for drinks & lunch.

I stopped by the literacy signing and chatted with Melanie Jackson for a while. I love her work. And she's super nice and supportive. I met her last year at the Las Vegas airport.

Then, I went to Ruth Chris' for dinner. It was good, but not spectacular. But, now I can say I've gone to a fancy schmancy restaurant. And my checkbook survived!

Later, y'all!

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