Monday, August 28, 2006

Refocusing My Energy

Well, I didn't have the best weekend. Oh, it started out nice enough, but it ended on a rough note.

I met with my local writer's group on Saturday. I love meeting with those guys. It's a diverse group: we write in all genres, and we are all at different levels in our writing journey. I always feel rejuvenated when I go to the group.

I started to read Teacher Man by Frank McCourt. I loved Angela's Ashes and 'Tis. This book, not so much. So, I pulled another book out of my TBR pile, Year of Pleasures by Elizabeth Berg.
Hopefully, I will connect with this book.

I got some upsetting news on Sunday afternoon. I was up most of the night with a headache. As bad as it was, it gave me plenty of time to think about things, re-evaluate my personal goals, and refocus on what's really important to me.

So, maybe it didn't end on a rough note after all.

Posted by Bebe :: 9:18 AM :: 11 Comments:

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