Friday, September 15, 2006


It's Friday. Yay!

I have a new interview up at Conversations... with my sister in snark, the fabulous Sela Carsen.

On the DDJ (dreaded day job) front, I'm pretty sure I didn't get the position I wanted. I haven't been given the news officially, but I'd bet the farm on it. Sometimes when you know, you know. Maybe it's for the best. I'll keep you posted.

The good news is I'm deep into writing the sequel to Aurora's Passion. It's coming along pretty well, I think.

Anybody watch Rock Star Supernova or Dancing With the Stars this week? Any thoughts?
Me, I didn't personally dig Lukas at all. But, he fits with Supernova.

As for Dancing... I was surprised at how well Emmitt Smith danced. I also thought Harry Hamlin did a good job, despite been panned by the experts. Of course, their partners Cheryl and Ashly are superb.

I hope to drop by everyone's blog this weekend to say hey. Thanks for sticking with me!

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