Monday, July 31, 2006
The Secret is Out! Yes, Rene, there is a Barry Manilow...
The winners of my Atlanta Secret contest are Rene, Stacy and Lis.
E-mail me your snail mail, and I will send you some goodies. Also, let me know what kind of books you like, I probably have something for you.
Now, the explanation. A full of my chick-lit erotic novella,
I've Got a Secret, was requested by an editor at a major publishing house and an agent. And a smaller house requested a partial of the same story, plus a partial of a erotic romantic suspense. So, Stacy was right and Lis was also correct in guessing my secret. And Rene, with the sly Barry Manilow comment, has also won some goodies.
I'll bet you are wondering what in world this has to do with Barry Manilow. Well, here's another secret of mine... I love Barry Manilow. I'm not one of those crazy, psychotic fans, but I am a major fan. I mean, I'm not a member of Barry.net or anything, but I do have the boxed set. Anyway, when I started getting serious about writing, I thought it would be kind of cool to write a chick-lit with a Barry-lovin' heroine. I've since written Barry out (well, mostly), added some hot sex scenes, and my Barry-inspired chick-lit has morphed into
I've Got a Secret.
So, yes, Rene, it has something to do with Barry Manilow.
Posted by Bebe ::
11:15 PM ::
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I've Got a Secret...
About my trip to Atlanta. The first person to guess my secret wins a bag full of goodies!
Good luck
Posted by Bebe ::
8:31 AM ::
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
Blogging from 30,000 feet
I’m blogging from 30,000 feet. By the time you read this, I’ll be back on the ground, but whatever. I had no trouble at the airport this morning, and I was able to upgrade my ticket to first class. I’m a little torqued off, though. There’s a young guy sitting next to me who did not pay to upgrade. I caught a peek at his ticket, and he is supposed to be in 16A.
I was pretty steamed about it at first, but hell, if I was a young kid like that I might try it. I mean, I think about all the times I snuck down to better seats at concerts. And he’s not taking advantage of the freebies (although it is only AirTran, so the freebies are no big whoop).
Well, we are about to land. So, gotta go for now. My next message will be from the Marriott Marquis!
It's now Thursday morning, and this is the first time I've been able to access the internet. I'm over in the mall food court. I'd heard a rumor that there was free wireless here, and it's true! I didn't want to spend 12.95 a day for the internet at the hotel.
Yesterday, I met up with my roomie Sherice at the airport. We grabbed a cab together to the hotel and met up with some divas for drinks & lunch.
I stopped by the literacy signing and chatted with Melanie Jackson for a while. I love her work. And she's super nice and supportive. I met her last year at the Las Vegas airport.
Then, I went to Ruth Chris' for dinner. It was good, but not spectacular. But, now I can say I've gone to a fancy schmancy restaurant. And my checkbook survived!
Later, y'all!
Posted by Bebe ::
10:14 AM ::
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
I'm Outta Here...
I figured I have time for one more post before I get cracking on the rest of the to do list.
1. Pack clothing, shoes, and various personal essentials
2. Change out my wallet and purse
3. Print out plane tickets and hotel confirmation
4. Assemble and pack promo and contest goodies
5. Find box to ship home free books
6. Pack up laptop computer/reconfigure router so hubby is not stuck with no internet if it goes down. (He is technologically challenged and will not know to reboot the router.)
7. Shave my legs.
8. Find inner peace
And how will I find inner peace? Well, my dad sent me this email... perhaps it could work.
I am passing this on to you because it definitely worked for me and we
could all use a little more calmness in our lives.
By following this simple advice I heard on the Dr. Phil show, I have
finally found inner peace.
Dr. Phil proclaimed, "The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all
the things you've started and never finished."
So, I looked around my house to see all the things I started and
hadn't finished, and before leaving the house this morning, I finished
off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of White Zinfandel, a bottle of
Bailey's Irish Cream, a bottle of Kahlua, a package of Oreos, the
remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheesecake,
some Doritos and a box of chocolates.
You have no idea how freaking good I feel.
How are you feeling?
Posted by Bebe ::
7:49 PM ::
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Monday, July 24, 2006
Two Days and Counting...
Yesterday, I made a tentative schedule and have my outfits planned out (with a couple of extras just in case I change my mind). I also worked on getting some of my promo items together. I'm not quite done with that, though. I have to make another run to Staples.
My hubby gave me a diamond pendant this weekend. It's set in a white gold and yellow gold heart. I was completely surprised! He wanted me to know that he's proud of me and will miss me while I'm in Atlanta. He said he was going to give it to me on Wednesday morning before my flight, but that he thought it might upset me.
He's right. I'm excited about my trip, but also apprehensive and anxious. Besides missing my hubby (which is no small thing), I'm a teensy-weensy bit afraid of flying. I try not to think about everything that could go wrong that I have absolutely no control over. And sometimes it works. Mostly, it doesn't.
Any other worrywarts out there?
Posted by Bebe ::
7:16 AM ::
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
Getting Ready for Nationals
I just got back from the salon, and my nails look all purty. I have another appointment on Tuesday night for a pedicure and eyebrow wax. Tonight, I'm going to make a tentative schedule and try to coordinate outfits to match.
As far as the pitch goes, I'm not stressing over this. Not yet anyway. I've pitched at local conferences, and it was only intimidating the first time. I plan to basically be myself and talk about my stories. Hopefully, it will be enough to garner a request.
What I am kind of stressing over is the internet access at the hotel. Apparently, it's 12.95 a day. I hear there is free wireless in the Peachtree Mall food court. I may be spending some time there. Stop by and see me.
Also, make sure to stop by the goody room to check out some of my promo items.
Posted by Bebe ::
10:01 AM ::
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Thursday, July 20, 2006
Busy Slackassing
I've been getting caught up on some projects this week. I've got a lot to do before I head to Atlanta for the RWA conference next week. But, I took a few hours off tonight to kick back and watch TV - otherwise known as slackassing.
First up, Behind the Music on VH1 - check out The Slackass Clan to find out what a sucker I am for a love story.
Then, some Food TV. I'm seriously crushing on Paula Deen's sons, Jamie and Bobby. Something about southern gentlemen. Mmmm. Hmmm.
I've got to get back to work, but before I do, I must once again mention My Super Fantabulous Newsletter Contest. Sign up, and you're entered in my newsletter contests forever!
Posted by Bebe ::
11:41 PM ::
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Monday, July 17, 2006
The Best Review Ever!!!!!
Check out the lastest Aurora's Passion review here. I love Ellie McBride and Romance News! Don't you love it when someone completely gets you? That's how I feel right now.
Since I'm being so shameless today, I would be remiss if I did not once again mention my Super Fantabulous Newsletter Contest. This month I'm giving away pamper-me gifts from Bath & Body Works and a copy of Aurora's Passion to two lucky winners. There are three super easy ways to sign up. So, what are you waiting for?
I just updated my blog roll and I'm positive I missed some folks. I'm sorry in advance. Just give me a shout out, and I'll add you pronto!
Posted by Bebe ::
10:15 PM ::
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
Bebe's Newsletter Contest
Finally, Yahoo seems to be cooperating! This month, I'm giving away pamper-me gift sets. Two lucky winners will receive full-size goodies from Bath & Body Works plus a copy of Aurora's Passion. All you have to do to enter is sign up for my newsletter. And even that couldn't be easier, there are three easy ways to sign up!

Click to join bebethomasromance
If you are more of a Google Group person, you can sign up at http://groups.google.com/group/Bebe-Thomas-Romance
Don't want to join a group? Send me an email with Newsletter as the topic, and I'll send the newsletter to your email every month.
The best part of signing up for my newsletter? You are automatically entered into my monthly newsletter contests FOREVER! That's it. Nothing else to do, but sit back and win free stuff.
Posted by Bebe ::
4:23 AM ::
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Friday, July 14, 2006
Stay Tuned...
I'll be posting the details of my July newsletter contest this weekend. Heck, I'd post it now, but Yahoo Groups is down. Shocking! I'm also going to have a Google group and a regular email version of the newsletter. I hate Yahoo, but more readers are interested in the Yahoo Group, so I'm giving options.
Well, while I'm waiting (and waiting and waiting) for Yahoo to cooperate, check out my post over at The Slackass Clan .
Posted by Bebe ::
12:58 AM ::
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
My First Author Interview

Amanda Brice, author of She's Got Legs, is featuring me on her blog, today. Stop by and read all about my tortured childhood and inner demons.
I'll be chatting this Sunday, July 16th at Romance Divas with some fellow FB authors and the editors. We'll be talking about our new and upcoming releases, and the editors will take your pitches. If you've been thinking about submitted to Freya's Bower or Wild Child Publishing (sister division), stop by and pitch your story!
Posted by Bebe ::
7:54 AM ::
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Friday, July 07, 2006
I'm a Slackass
So, I caved in and joined a group blog - The Slackass Clan. I never thought I'd do it, but this group is so... me.
And I'm in great company - Kimberly Holt-Whitlock & M.E. Ellis from Freya's Bower/Wild Child are slackasses. So are Karen Erickson and Cora Zane from Cobblestone Press. Plus, Silma Pagan from RD and Jen round out the group.
Slacking never felt so good.
Posted by Bebe ::
8:11 AM ::
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Thursday, July 06, 2006
And the Winner Is...
There are three winners in my June Blog contest...
The winner of the Scandinavian chocolates is Heather (Word Trix)!
The winner of the purse is Diana C!
And the winner of the unadvertised box of goodies is Jennifer Colgan!
Send me an email to claim your prize. Congratulations to the winners! And check back this weekend for info on my July contest.
Posted by Bebe ::
10:02 PM ::
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I'm Back...
We just got in from our mini-vacation about an hour ago. Had a great time, but it is a long drive from the Smoky Mountains to Philadelphia. Traffic jams plus bad weather equalled a nervous Bebe! I was saying prayers to St. Jude all day! He's my go-to saint.
Anyway, I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I missed youse guys!!!!! (It feels good to say that - LOL.) After I get some sleep, I'll draw the winners of the June blog contest, post some pictures, and take a stroll around the blogosphere!
Posted by Bebe ::
12:12 AM ::
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Monday, July 03, 2006
Biltmore Estate

We went to the Biltmore Estate yesterday. The house itself was massive with over forty guest bedrooms, each with a private bath, several sitting rooms, plus an indoor swimming pool and gymnasium. I think this must be what Jane Austen had in mind when she described Pemberly, Mr. Darcy's estate in Pride and Prejudice.
Today, we are going on a picnic at Sliding Rock in the Pisgah Forest. This looks like fun!

Hope you're having a great weekend!
Posted by Bebe ::
8:55 AM ::
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