Sunday, March 11, 2007
Hello from Sunny Florida
I have two more days in Florida. Although I have been mostly taking care of my mum, it is beautiful here. Lots of sunshine, temperatures in the upper 70's, good food, good friends - it's times like these when I ask myself why I left in the first place.
I miss Philadelphia, though, and most especially my two guys at home. I've been married to Mr. Thomas for 8 1/2 years, and yes, I do quite a bit of traveling for work and writing and
occasionally family matters without him. But this is the longest stretch we've been apart in the time we've been together. It's hard feeling torn like this - I want to be in both places. Perhaps someday we will be able to have a home in Philly and one in Florida.
I've worked on some writing this week. I'm happy to say, I think I am over the hump on
Aurora's Promise and will be turning it into my editor very soon. I also have another book idea churning around in the old gray matter. More on that later.
As for this week, well, I am heading home Tuesday. But tomorrow, my fellow
Dreams and Desires author,
Amanda Brice, guest blogs on W
NBC columnist Michelle
Buonfiglio's Romance by the Blog, and all of the authors will be dropping by throughout the day. I hope you will stop by if you have some time.
Posted by Bebe ::
6:59 PM ::
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